About the recipes

All recipes on Food and Garden are easy to follow, and you do not need crazy knife skills or a vast amount of kitchen tools. Each recipe has one or more pictures, a list of ingredients, instructions and a small description or story about the recipe – where it’s from, alternative ingredients and so on.

You will also find an indication of time, preparation time and cooking time, making it easy for you to plan ahead.

All recipes are divided into categories, e.g. Recipe Types (Soups, Desserts, Pasta and rice), Seasonal Recipes (Winter, Spring, Summer, Autumn) and Courses (Starters, Main courses, Desserts).

This makes it very easy for you to find inspiration. If you are looking for a specific dish or use of ingredient, you can use the search field in the top menu. For example, if you search for beetroot, you will get every recipe or post that involves beetroot.

All recipes are tested by me and my husband, often several times. Some recipes are inspired by other recipes. If so, it will say so in the recipe’s description or you will find a link to a restaurant, chef or website, where the recipe was found. However, most of the recipes are my own, collected through time or made up by memory of a certain dish. Many of the Danish dishes I have eaten from childhood and some of them are learned from my mother. Others are made up by my imagination but don’t worry, I will never put up a recipe on Food and Garden unless it has been thoroughly tested. My husband is my biggest critic and he helps me improve every day.

Good advices

I trust, you know all the right guidelines about how to handle and store food. If not, take a look at Foodsafety.gov where you will find good advice on how to keep your food safe, avoid food poisoning, minimum cooking temperatures and so on.

My best advices are:

  • Wash your hands regularly when cooking
  • Dry your hands in paper towels or in a specific towel. Don’t ever use that towel for anything else
  • Change your dishcloth at least once a day
  • Have minimum three chopping boards. One for vegetables, one for meat and one bread/dry stuff
  • Wash all vegetables, herbs and fruits thoroughly
  • Don’t bring dirt onto your kitchen table
  • Keep raw meat seperated from other products
  • Know and trust you butcher, fishmonger, crocery store etc.
  • Sterilise utensils properly when preserving food
  • Watch for mold, food gone bad, strong odours etc.


All measurements are metric, except teaspoon and tablespoon. Temperature is measured in Celsius. If you are not used to measuring your ingredients by the metric system, you can use a measurement converter.

This converter will do liquid, weight and temperature conversions.

Convert your measurements her.



tbsp = tablespoon
g = gram
ml = mililiter
mm = milimeter

tsp = teaspoon
kg = kilo
l = liter
cm = centimeter