Hot wheat buns with butter and jam. Great Prayer Day is a Danish festival falling on the fourth Friday after Easter and since 1686 Great Prayer Day was been a National holiday. Originally the day was meant to be spent on prayers and by law all trade and work was forbidden that day. The day […]
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Great Prayer Day and hot wheat buns
Published on May 6, 2015 | in Danish food and traditions, Food, Tasting the world By Food and Garden | 1 Comments
Season for fresh lumpfish roe
Published on February 15, 2015 | in Danish food and traditions, Food By Food and Garden | 0 Comments
Blini with fresh lumpfish roe, creme fraiche, red onion and dill. A delicate and very beautiful starter. February can be dull, dark and boring in Denmark but one thing always cheers me up. It is season for the delicious lumpfish roe. The lumpfish, or stenbider (stone biter) as we call it in Danish, lives in […]
Danish Christmas dessert no. 1
Published on December 11, 2014 | in Danish food and traditions, Food, Tasting the world By Food and Garden | 0 Comments
Should you ever visit Denmark at Christmas time, you are bound to try the Danish Christmas dessert Risalamande. Risalamande is a dessert made of rice pudding, whipped cream, vanilla and almonds, and it is served in every home on Christmas Eve. Recipe for Risalamande. The word Risalamande originates from the French term Riz a l’amande […]